Warning: strpos() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/theserverside/public_html/wp-includes/blocks.php on line 20
wordpress | The Server Side Technology
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Notice: Undefined variable: posts in /home/theserverside/public_html/wp-content/themes/engine/functions/theme.php on line 388

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/theserverside/public_html/wp-content/themes/engine/functions/theme.php on line 388
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October 8, 2019

WordPress and MySQL: fixing the wp_options table

We had a weird problem when moving a WordPress website for a customer: after DUMPing it out of MySQL, we noted that the wp_options table had a problem, namely the table had no primary key and no index on the option_name field. We noted that because the WordPress website, once moved, looked akward and wrong, missing some key pieces and it also seemed to use settings that were old. The reason was that, with primary key missing, lots of duplicate records were stored inside the table and I’m pretty sure it was not what the website was meant to do. Field option_id was set to 0 in most cases when it should have been an auto-incremented integer plus it seemed [...]

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October 22, 2015

Qualcomm mette nel mirino il mercato server e Intel

Sin da quando ARM aveva presentato le sue architetture a 64bit, è risultato chiaro che l’attacco al mercato server era solo questione di tempo con aziende come EZchip e Cavium che avevano giĂ  dimostrato le potenzialitĂ  del design System on Chip (SoC). Fino ad ora, perĂ², il gigante del mercato ARM si era trattenuto dallo sferrare attacchi diretti a quello che è tradizionalmente il settore di Intel e cioè il mercato dei server. Le cose perĂ² sono cambiate e Qualcomm ha presentato il primo sistema SoC per il mercato server.

Qualcomm ha deciso di entrare in partnership con il vendor FPGA Xilinx e l’accordo ha il potenziale per diventare interessante per il mercato [...]

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