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windows azure pack | The Server Side Technology
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Posts Tagged ‘windows azure pack’
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December 29, 2015

Come usare PHP 7 versione 32 o 64bit con i servizi di Cloud Hosting e Windows Azure Pack

PHP7 è stato rilasciato il 3 Dicembre di quest’anno ed il primo aggiornamento (la v7.0.1) ha seguito a ruota il 17 Dicembre. Questa versione introduce molti cambiamenti, inclusi molti miglioramenti alle prestazioni quando si effettua un confronto con PHP 5.6 (si parla di un raddoppio delle prestazioni!), una gestione migliore della memoria che porta le applicazioni a consumarne meno ed il supporto per i runtime a 64bit. Ci sono ovviamente altre novitĂ  ma questi tre miglioramenti sono giĂ  di per sĂ© una buona ragione per passare alla nuova versione. Ci potrebbero ovviamente essere problemi che impediscono l’aggiornamento alla v7, ad esempio codice non supportato o non piĂ¹ [...]

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December 26, 2015

How to run PHP 7 x64/x86 on Windows Azure Pack

PHP 7 has been released on December 3rd and its first update (v7.0.1) has been released on December 17th. This new version brings a lot of changes in, including major performance enhancements compared to PHP 5.6 (up to a 2x performance increase!), better (meaning reduced) memory footprint plus support for 64bit runtimes. There are of course many other enhancements but those three alone should provide a good reason to update websites to the new version. There could be problems in doing so if you are using deprecated or non-supported code but if your application followed recommendations, you should be able to upgrade to PHP7 and enjoy the enhancements.

There are a few handful [...]

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November 2, 2015

Windows Azure Pack: how to restart an over-quota website

Windows Azure Pack is a great technology but sometimes Microsoft seems to be missing the complexity of providing services to hundreds if not thousands of customers, each of them with different needs. Standardization is good but it should provide enough flexibility to manage things in a reasonable way. So here’s the scenario: you deployed WAP and your customer starts to buzz into your server because how good WAP actually is. Rock solid, able to run most demanding websites. Great technology, I said.

However, one of your customers runs over his allotted quota of one of the seventeen metrics you can monitor for your websites. Since your customer didn’t opt for a [...]

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October 18, 2015

How to run ASP.NET beta8 on Windows Azure Pack WebSites v2

A few days ago Microsoft released ASP.NET 5 beta8, the first feature-complete version of its flagship Web framework. A lot of expectations come with this new version, both because Microsoft decided to change ASP.NET down to its basis and because this one will be the first multi-platform release for the technology, allowing developers to run their Web or console applications on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. However, the new version will also be the first one designed from the ground up for the cloud era and thus adopting all methodologies, technologies and conventions that emerged in past few years. As we detailed in a past article (sorry: Italian language only this time!), ASP.NET 5 [...]

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Must Read:How to run PHP 7 x64/x86 on Windows Azure Pack

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