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August 21, 2021

Windows Server 2022 and Azure Stack HCI: Microsoft is slowly attempting to murder Windows Server – part 1

Microsoft released Windows Server 2022 a few weeks ago. It did so earlier than expected, which is pretty odd, but it seems that the development of new features was already complete and mature so there was no point to wait a few months more. The last sentence pretty much explains the current status of Windows Server: so few changes, albeit interesting ones, that the product can be released months earlier than planned and without much fanfare.

While generally speaking the development of new features and functionalities for server applications mostly moved out of the base operating system and while we can also concede that Windows Server has many features at the OS level so [...]

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December 14, 2019

Il framework per lo sviluppo: .NET Core

La prima scelta che è stato necessario prendere mentre progettavamo il design di Skynet era ovviamente il framework o i framework da usare per lo sviluppo. Le soluzioni sono moltissime e sicuramente ognuno ha delle ragioni specifiche per pensare a questa o quella soluzione in modo da semplificare il lavoro ed ottenere magari una piattaforma aperta che possa includere altre tecnologie o soluzioni. Un esempio tipico è quello di partire da un progetto opensource o magari disegnare un frontend basato su WordPress e sviluppare estensioni e moduli per integrare le funzionalitĂ  che servono. Con tutte le tecnologie che esistono, non c’è un modo giusto o sbagliato ma semplicemente una [...]

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November 2, 2019

How to containerize Windows Admin Center

Microsoft is investing a lot into its new Server Manager though Redmond is not encouraging that parallelism and often says that Windows Admin Center is not a 1-to-1 replacement for Server Manager. That is true because Server Manager and its underlying technology has a deeper connection with the operating system and it can be considered a platform while Winows Admin Center can be considered a very sophisticated shell that mostly works through WMI/Powershell connections.

However, Windows Admin Center is gaining a lot of traction and it’s quickly gaining support because its Web UI allows to embed important tasks into simple to access and to use [...]

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October 22, 2017

With Microsoft giving up on mobile, is the Universal Windows Platform worth the effort anymore ?

A couple of weeks ago, Joe Belfiore confirmed that Microsoft is not “focusing” on Windows 10 Mobile anymore, essentially giving up the whole phone strategy of Microsoft. While Redmond is not officially retiring the platform, Belfiore told us that there will be no new features and no new devices, suggesting to switch to competing platforms. I almost instantly commented that it is a huge error made by Microsoft that had and has the resources to run a niche mobile platform while it waits for “the new generation of mobile devices”, as they call it.

The first casualty of that error could be the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) framework that promised to help [...]

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December 28, 2015

Disponibili build per PHP WinCache a 64bit

Da qualche tempo PHP ha iniziato a rilasciare anche delle build per Windows a 64bit, probabilmente in previsione del lancio della prima versione 64bit non sperimentale per la versione 7 di PHP. Sono attualmente disponibili le versioni x64 sia di PHP 5.5 che 5.6 oltre che ovviamente dell’ultima nata. Il framework dispone anche della corrispondente versione a 64 bit per la OpCache distribuita con i file compilati per Windows ma la sorpresa è che invece il modulo WinCache che Microsoft ha sviluppato qualche anno fa per migliorare le prestazioni di PHP (e che spesso viene considerato uno dei migliori moduli di accelerazione disponibili) non ha invece distribuzioni a 64bit [...]

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