A few months ago we decided to change the configuration of some of our virtualization servers that were using Hyper-V replica to create replicas that could be used in case of a disaster. We used to replicate such machines so we could restore them quickly in case of issues or even start them on the destination host, if needed.
I will deal with the reasons why we decided to switch technology, from Hyper-V replica to Windows Storage Replica, in a different, bigger post but one thing we noticed quite soon during our first migrations was that sometimes our replicated volumes were apparently hanging in a WaitingForDestination status. As the name implies, it seemed that such [...]
Capita di avere la necessità di cancellare la history dei comandi Powershell inviati con un account. A noi, per esempio, è capitato quando abbiamo dovuto preparare dei template per le virtual machine dei nostri clienti ed era necessario attivare un software prima di completare il template.
Sfortunatamente questa attivazione avveniva per mezzo console e bisogna quindi inserire un comando con il codice di attivazione. Questo faceva si che il codice potesse poi essere visibile per gli utenti che usavano quel template che potevano accedere alla history semplicemente premendo PgUp. Se si cerca una soluzione si scopre che Powershell ha un comando per la cancellazione della [...]
Microsoft released Windows Server 2022 a few weeks ago. It did so earlier than expected, which is pretty odd, but it seems that the development of new features was already complete and mature so there was no point to wait a few months more. The last sentence pretty much explains the current status of Windows Server: so few changes, albeit interesting ones, that the product can be released months earlier than planned and without much fanfare.
While generally speaking the development of new features and functionalities for server applications mostly moved out of the base operating system and while we can also concede that Windows Server has many features at the OS level so [...]
Qualche giorno fa abbiamo riscontrato uno strano problema su un paio di server dopo avere aggiornato gli agent di Acronis. La console non consentirva più l’esecuzione del piano di backup, sia in modo automatico che manuale, segnalando che l’agent non era più registrato. Sembrava molto strano visto che avevamo effettuato aggiornamenti degli agent diverse volte in passato senza riscontrare alcun problema ma questa volta gli agent non riuscivano più a [...]
At VaiSulWeb virtualization is so pervasive that basically there aren’t physical machines other than virtualization hosts or storage since about 2008 or 2009. That means about 10 years now. And counting. Microsoft Hyper-V served us very well and over time our reliance on that technology increased with happy results. It has been solid and consistent and allowed us to scale up more and more, adding new technologies and solutions and enabling us to virtualize roles and workloads that seemed a bit difficult to virtualize.
As many other providers, we recently started integrating AMD CPUs into our infrastructure, given the terrific advantages that those could bring to the [...]